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The Things That Are Above
Everyone’s saying it. These are uncertain times. As our founding editors once wrote, “At every historical moment, the contemporary is afflicted by the crippling conceit of its utter novelty....
Briefly Noted
Balm in Gilead: A Theological Dialogue with Marilynne Robinsonedited by timothy larsen and keith l. johnson ivp academic, 232 pages, $28 In 1901, Rev. Maltbie Babcock wrote in a...
Briefly Noted
A Field Guide to the English Clergy: A Compendium of Diverse Eccentrics, Pirates, Prelates and Adventurers; All Anglican, Some Even Practisingby fergus butler-gallie oneworld, 192 pages, $20 Ah, the...
An Irish Dante
The Five Quintetsby micheal o’siadhailbaylor, 381 pages, $34.95 Sartre famously wrote that “hell is other people,” but for the poet Micheal O’Siadhail, hell is a highly specific group of...