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Resist the Conception Machine
The almost complete lack of reflection on the normalization of assisted reproductive technologies for producing children is a telling sign of the unseriousness of our age. The transformation of...
Synodality and the Spirit of Truth
Facts and great personages in world history occur, as it were, twice . . . the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.” The Synod on Synodality seems...
Del Noce’s Moment
The Problem of Atheismby augusto del nocemcgill–queen’s university, 528 pages, $39.95 Augusto Del Noce (1910–89) is one of those rare thinkers whose thought becomes truer as time passes. His...
Beyond Integralism and Progressivism
A Brief Apology for a Catholic Moment by jean-luc marionnuniversity of chicago press, 120 pages, $27.99 nThe manifest nihilism of our present moment and our headlong plunge toward a posthuman,...
A False Paradigm
So much for the “new paradigm.” With the Church now mired in its most severe crisis since the Protestant Reformation, the heady talk of last spring now seems as...
What Del Noce Saw
The Crisis of Modernityby augusto del nocetranslated by carlo lancellottimcgill-queens, 336 pages, $110 There is no greater ideologue, nor any more earnest in his self-delusion, than the pragmatist who...
A More Perfect Absolutism
It is part of the absurdity of American life that we decide questions of truth under the guise of settling contests of rights. Which means that we decide questions...
The Civic Project of American Christianity
George Weigel responds to Michael Hanby in his essay “To See Things As They Are.“ Rod Dreher responds to Michael Hanby in his essay “Christian and Countercultural.” According to Hans Jonas,...