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Ralph Ellison on Cultural Appropriation

Mark Judge

In 1970, Ralph Ellison wrote the essay “What America Would Be Like Without Blacks.” In it, he points out that black Americans form one of the major tributaries of...

EC Comics and the Pulp Takeover of American Culture

Mark Judge

In the introduction to the massive, gorgeously illustrated recent book The History of EC Comics, author Grant Geissman asks, “Why should there be a gigantic, weighty tome in celebration...

Jazz, Hope, and Perverse Modernism

Mark Judge

The great jazz singer Kurt Elling gave us a real sign of hope in a difficult year on August 30, when he presented a live-streamed concert from the Green...

The Revolution Comes for Oliver Stone

Mark Judge

In a recent interview, director Oliver Stone complained about Hollywood: “The Academy changes its mind every five, 10, two months about what it’s trying to keep up with. It’s...