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Through Yoga to Christianity

Losana Boyd

In the early 1990s I was living a high-stress lifestyle: running a successful international business and raising three children. I had no particular religious practice to speak of, having...

A Review of The World in the Shadow of God

Losana Boyd

The World in the Shadow of God: An Introduction to Christian Natural Theology by Ephraim Radner Cascade, 169 pages, $20 n This world “continuously displays the life of God.”...

Giotto’s Epiphany

Losana Boyd

Who before Giotto thought to remove the king’s crown— this first from the earth’s kingdoms come to worship. Giotto paints Him shrouded, the swaddled solemn babe, dressed for His...

Faith in a Time of Faithlessness

Losana Boyd

They are lovely, your orange slices and peignoirs, and especially that green cockatoo, but why, poet, limit the mind of God to a heaven of immutable fruit? Perhaps belief...

Review of The Lover’s Guide to Trapping

Losana Boyd

n The Lover’s Guide to Trapping BY WYATT PRUNTY JOHNS HOPKINS, 53 PAGES, $23.95 nn In this eighth volume of poetry, Wyatt Prunty continues to write traditional verse with...

Review of The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets

Losana Boyd

The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets edited by David Yezzi Swallow Press, 360 pages, $19.95 n In his introduction, editor and contributor David Yezzi suggests that this collection...