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Divorce in the Gospels

Kyle Harper

Remarriage in Early Christianityby A. Andrew DasEerdmans, 384 pages, $49.99 The translation of Biblical texts requires both philological competence and interpretive skill. Hard passages of scripture put these traits...

Epicurus Today

Kyle Harper

How to Be an Epicurean: The Ancient Art of Living Wellby catherine wilson basic, 304 pages, $30 Oenoanda was an ancient town of modest size and middling prosperity, perched...

Pagan Piety

Kyle Harper

Pantheon: A New History of Roman Religion by jörg rüpke translated by david m. b. richardson princeton, 576 pages, $39.95 In August of 410, for the first time in eight centuries, the...

Illiberal Democracy

Kyle Harper

Demopolis: Democracy Before Liberalism in Theory and Practiceby josiah obercambridge, 222 pages, $24.90 Liberal democracy is a modern synthesis. Liberalism—a respect for human or natural rights; limits on the...

The First Sexual Revolution

Kyle Harper

Epictetus was the sort of figure that only the Roman Empire could have produced. He was born in the Phrygian hills of Anatolia in the middle of the first...