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Begging Your Pardon
Who attempts to overthrow a government without weapons? Why would the alleged leader of an insurrection authorize military force to protect the government, and why would the alleged insurrection...
Hope for the Organization Kid
Twenty-three years ago, David Brooks published in The Atlantic a long essay based on interviews with Princeton undergraduates. He found the students busy: overscheduled, achievement-oriented models of meritocratic success....
A Treatise on Two Cities
Athens and Jerusalem:God, Humans, and Natureby david novak university of toronto, 392 pages, $51 Tertullian’s question—“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”—has generally been asked by Christians wondering to...
Publishers’ Bind
Recently, I paged through a friend’s copy of a just-released bestseller in political theory. I then ordered my own copy, exactly twenty days after the book’s release. When my...
The Intellectual Vocation
How to Think Like Shakespeare:Lessons from a Renaissance Educationby scott newstokprinceton university press, 185 pages, $19.95 Lost in Thought:The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Lifeby zena hitzprinceton university press,...
Taleb the Philosopher
Incerto: Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragileby nassim nicholas talebrandom house, 1,568 pages, $70 Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Lifeby nassim...
How to Look at a Tree
Across the road from my house, presiding over a patch of lawn between my parish church and the old schoolhouse, there is a chestnut tree. I cannot say that...