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Begging Your Pardon

Joshua P. Hochschild

Who attempts to overthrow a government without weapons? Why would the alleged leader of an insurrection authorize military force to protect the government, and why would the alleged insurrection...

Hope for the Organization Kid

Joshua P. Hochschild

Twenty-three years ago, David Brooks published in The Atlantic a long essay based on interviews with Princeton undergraduates. He found the students busy: overscheduled, achievement-oriented models of meritocratic success....

A Treatise on Two Cities

Joshua P. Hochschild

Athens and Jerusalem:God, Humans, and Natureby david novak university of toronto, 392 pages, $51 Tertullian’s question—“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”—has generally been asked by Christians wondering to...

Publishers’ Bind

Joshua P. Hochschild

Recently, I paged through a friend’s copy of a just-­released bestseller in political theory. I then ordered my own copy, exactly twenty days after the book’s release. When my...

The Intellectual Vocation

Joshua P. Hochschild

How to Think Like Shakespeare:Lessons from a Renaissance Educationby scott newstokprinceton university press, 185 pages, $19.95 Lost in Thought:The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Lifeby zena hitzprinceton university press,...

Taleb the Philosopher

Joshua P. Hochschild

Incerto: Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragileby nassim nicholas talebrandom house, 1,568 pages, $70 Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Lifeby nassim...

How to Look at a Tree

Joshua P. Hochschild

Across the road from my house, presiding over a patch of lawn between my parish church and the old schoolhouse, there is a chestnut tree. I cannot say that...