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An Unstable System

John William O'Sullivan

A recent poll showed something that is not getting the attention it deserves in American politics. When asked whether they believed there was voter fraud in the 2020 election...

The Expert Bubble Begins to Burst

John William O'Sullivan

As Lao Tzu wrote, the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Humans and their institutions are flawed. When one institution gets an undue amount of...

The End of the GDP Consensus?

John William O'Sullivan

In 1934 the acting U.S. Secretary of Commerce released a 261-page report that would change the world. In it, statistical economist Simon Kuznets laid out the first estimate of...

Totalitarian Speech Regimes

John William O'Sullivan

Many conservatives have commented on the new corporate speech regime in recent years. But few have paid attention to how liberals view it. Most are dimly aware that the...

A Big Case In a Small Land

John William O'Sullivan

This week, a case will go before Ireland’s High Court. It will be the most important in the history of the country and will set a precedent for similar...