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More Confusion About Same-Sex Blessings

John Finnis

On December 18, the Holy See’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF) released Fiducia Supplicans. That Declaration stated that priests may spontaneously bless couples in “irregular” situations—e.g., “remarried”...

Born and Unborn: Answering Objections to Constitutional Personhood

John Finnis

Are there sufficient reasons for the Court to hold that the unborn are persons within the meaning of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Edward Whelan continues...

Abortion is Unconstitutional

John Finnis

Begin with Blackstone’s Commentaries,” wrote presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in 1860, when asked how to get a thorough knowledge of law; read them “carefully through, say twice.” (That’s four...

Unborn Persons: Why Equal Protection Slept 102 Years

John Finnis

Defending my argument that the unborn are persons within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection and due process clauses, Josh Craddock has replied to Ed Whelan, the...