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Bonhoeffer Is Not Your Cipher
In 1906, the German New Testament studies guild suffered a rude shock. The cause was Albert Schweitzer’s academic blockbuster The Quest of the Historical Jesus, in which the Bible-scholar-turned-humanitarian...
Self-Creation Only Dehumanizes Us
Begotten or Made?by oliver o’donovandavenant press, 143 pages, $26.95 Think about it,” my friend said, his voice tinged with aggression. “Why did you become a man? Because you didn’t...
The End of Dispensationalism
The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalismby daniel g. hummeleerdmans, 400 pages, $29.99 A century ago, dispensationalism was the most dynamic force in American Christianity. Generations before Hal Lindsey’s The...
How to Stay Orthodox
The Thrill of Orthodoxy:Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faithby trevin wax intervarsity press, 240 pages, $24 Fifty-six percent of American evangelicals “strongly agreed” that “Jesus is the first and...