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Who Owns the Human Body?

Jennifer Lahl

In August of 2000, I was fresh out of graduate school and had just launched the Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC) when I learned that the University of...

Denying and Defying our Human Bodies

Jennifer Lahl

I like to keep my finger on the pulse of the latest developments and trends in the field of reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction. Here are a few things that...

Babies For Sale

Jennifer Lahl

The New York State Legislature has legalized commercial gestational surrogacy—the contractual renting of wombs and the buying and selling of newborn babies. This was done at the insistence of...

Biotech Babies

Jennifer Lahl Christopher White

Suzanne is a forty-year-old mother of two who recentlyattended an Evangelical women’s Bible study in a suburb of Chicago. At thisparticular gathering the topic was infertility. The church had...