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Technocracy Now

James Kalb

The recently revised New York City Health Department form for parents requesting birth certificates asks the “woman giving birth” whether she is female or male. The question is obviously...

Sex and the Religion of Me

James Kalb

Why has the equivalence of same-sex and opposite-sex relations suddenly become a moral and social absolute? That it has is plain to see. In the Supreme Court’s recent ­Windsor...

Libertarian Limits

James Kalb

On Tolerance: ? A Defence of Moral Independence by Frank Furedi Continuum, 224 pages, $22.95 The independent-minded British sociologist Frank Furedi has variously been a self-proclaimed revolutionary communist and...

Squaring the Circle

James Kalb

The Conservative Foundations of the Liberal Order: Defending Democracy Against Its Modern Enemies and Immoderate Friends by Daniel J. Mahoney ISI, 240 pages, $26.95 How do you moderate and...