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From Religion to Politics

Grant Kaplan

The Religious Revolution: The Birth of Modern Spirituality, 1848–98by dominic greenfarrar, straus and giroux, 464 pages, $35 The nineteenth century, for all but the most literal-minded, begins with the French...

Secularism as Sexism

Grant Kaplan

Sex and Secularismby joan wallach scott princeton, 240 pages, $27.95 While traveling in Spain about twenty years ago, I attended the nearest Ash Wednesday Mass I could find. Upon...

Döllinger’s Unquiet Grave

Grant Kaplan

The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Ageby thomas howardoxford, 312 pages, $45 John Henry Newman aside, Ignaz von Döllinger...

Celibacy as Political Resistance

Grant Kaplan

Just weeks before the 2012 election, in a discussion held in the gymnasium of a small Midwestern Catholic college, the college’s president asked everyone to stand, turned to the...