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The Day Is Now Far Spent
I saw the buckling of Notre Dame’s spireAnd then its swift fall into raging fireAs though the West had fallen all at once—As though heretics had toppled the Cross....
Geoffrey Hill, Prodigal
Among poets writing in English during the last forty years, Geoffrey Hilln was sometimes named the greatest one alive, but he was alwaysn named the most difficult one to...
Caribbean Rhapsode
The great poet of the Caribbean, Derek Walcott, passed away at home on his native island of St. Lucia on March 17. It is hard to summarize his achievement....
Old Possum in Full Glory
The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition, Vols. 1–4 edited by ronald schuchard et al. johns hopkins, 3,728 pages With four of a projected eight volumes...