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Global Anti-Semitism?

Edward S. Shapiro

Last May, the Anti-Defamation League made the start­ling pronouncement that one-quarter of the world’s population is anti-Semitic. The source for that charge was the ADL Global 100: An Index...

The Decline and Rise
of Secular Judaism

Edward S. Shapiro

In his 1782 book Letters from an American Farmer, John de Crèvecœur asked the most famous and important question in Americanhistory: “What then is the American, this new man?”...

The Crisis of Conservative Judaism

Edward S. Shapiro

The institutions of Conservative Judaism—its synagogues, its summer camps, its youth organizations, its sisterhoods and men’s organizations, its seminaries, its rabbinate—will live on. Conservative Judaism as a movement, defined...

New York Kippah Count

Edward S. Shapiro

Jews have been counting themselves since the time of Moses. The Bible provided an exact figure of the number of adult male Jews who left Egypt, and while traveling...