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Pope Francis and the Tridentine Mass

Douglas Farrow

Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis’s motu proprio “on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the Reform of 1970,” appears at first glance to be business as usual in...

The History of Canada’s Residential Schools

Douglas Farrow

Over the past fortnight, some dozen churches in Canada, many serving indigenous people, were torched. A dozen more, most in non-indigenous contexts, were vandalized. “Burn it all down,” tweeted...

A Struggle for Public Worship in Canada

Douglas Farrow

Aylmer, Ontario, is a town of some 7500 people on the north shore of Lake Erie. It was founded in 1817 by a settler from New York State named...

The Secret of the Saeculum

Douglas Farrow

The Music of Providence In the tenth book of The City of God, Augustine reminds his readers that he is not arguing either with those who imagine there is...

Easter Without Mass?

Douglas Farrow

Easter without Mass? Of course not! Mass will be said, and my family and I will prayerfully hear it said. But though we are not under sentence of excommunication,...

Harrowing Hart on Hell

Douglas Farrow

That All Shall Be Saved:Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvationby david bentley hart yale, 232 pages, $26 David Bentley Hart, familiar to readers of these pages as an intellectual pugilist...

Discernment of Situation

Douglas Farrow

Is the pope Catholic?” used to be an answer, not a question. Alas, it has become a question; or rather it has become five questions, in the form of...

T. F. Torrance and the Latin Heresy

Douglas Farrow

Most noted for his work at the intersection of theology and science, for which he was feted in 1978 with the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, and as...

Thirteen Theses on Marriage

Douglas Farrow

Thirteen theses in defense of so-called heteronormativity and other supposed heresies, from a Christian and specifically Catholic perspective, for the purpose of public debate: 1)Homo sapiens is a sexually...

The Dignifying Family

Douglas Farrow

Those who lost their rights but kept their dignity, as John Paul II and the Polish people once did, know the difference between the two. “Of themselves, rights are...

Blurring Sexual Boundaries

Douglas Farrow

The definition of gender-related discrimination and of “hate crimes” is becoming ever more imaginative on both sides of the forty-ninth parallel. Witness, for example, Bill H1728 in the state...

Charity and Unity

Douglas Farrow

When the pope’s new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, appeared this summer, its ambitious scope and curious composition left many scratching their heads. The frequent rhetoric about human solidarity, embodied in...

Kangaroo Canada

Douglas Farrow

Mark Steyn is the author of the bestselling America Alone , a witty tirade against the decline of the West, a portion of which appeared in the Canadian magazine...

Anglicanism Runs Aground

Douglas Farrow

The good ship Anglican, as Archbishop Robin Eames acknowledges in his preface to the Windsor Report, appears to many observers “to be set on a voyage of self-destruction.” Indeed,...

Three Meanings of Secular

Douglas Farrow

It is said that we live in a secular society. But what is meant by “secular”? All relevant usages of the word, deriving as it does from saecularis (of...