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On the Natural History of Destruction

Damon Linker

In the summer of 1943, the British Royal Air Force (with support from the Eighth Army Air Force of the United States) flew a series of raids on Hamburg,...

Fatherhood, 2002

Damon Linker

I’m a new man. I’ve just slept through the night for the first time in weeks because my newborn son has just slept through the night for the first...

Aliens in America: The Strange Truth about Our Souls

Damon Linker

Conservatives face a daunting challenge today. On the most pressing moral issues confronting the country—many of them having to do with aspects of biotechnological research—the public is deeply divided,...

The Antipolitical Temptation

Damon Linker

Nothing is more human than discontent with the human condition. And few aspects of human life inspire more discontent than politics. The longing to withdraw from, escape, or transcend...

The Uses of Anger

Damon Linker

I’m angry, and I have been ever since I watched a 767 slam into the North Tower of the World Trade Center while walking to the office on a...

Off Center

Damon Linker

Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity By Darrin M. McMahon Oxford University Press, 262 pages, $35 As everyone knows, Alexis de Tocque­ville’s Democracy...

Going to Pot?

Damon Linker

It is safe to say that at some point in the not-too-distant future, America will confront the question of whether or not to legalize the use and cultivation of...

Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World

Damon Linker

America’s culture war is not about culture. It is about religion”Christianity, in particular”and its role in the public life of the nation. On one side, secularists of various stripes...