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Why We Call God “Our Father”
Fr. Thomas Reese—former editor in chief of America magazine and now a senior analyst for Religion News Service (RNS)—recently promoted an essay on why our preferred pronoun for God...
Joe Biden Misreads Augustine
Delivered to an empty “Field of Flags” surrounded by 25,000 National Guardsmen, Joseph Biden’s inaugural address called for unity in a nation divided. The second Catholic to become president...
Learning from the O Antiphons
St. Anne came to my wife in a dream once. The grandmother of Jesus gently touched my wife’s abdomen, and told her that she was having a girl—weeks before...
The Only Great Reset
You may have heard an ominous phrase echo around the digital ether recently: “The Great Reset.” Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, called for “a Great Reset”...
How Pro-Life Presidents Should Defend the Unborn
For years the pro-life movement has advanced incrementally through state-level protections and judicial challenges. We have had real victories. Vice President Pence is right: “Life is winning.” Yet now...
Why We Shouldn’t Watch Cuties
The movie Cuties, which won coveted prizes at the Sundance Film Festival, is scheduled to air this fall on Netflix. It is the directorial feature debut of 35-year-old French-Senegalese...
The Real Damien of Molokai
Marisol Escobar’s statue of St. Damien of Molokai has graced the statuary hall in the U.S. Capitol since 1969. The people of Hawaii chose this statue to mark their...
A Procession Like No Other
Many people are processing through our city streets these days. Some of these processions are violent and ominous, while others are peaceful. Whatever the merits of these public demonstrations,...
The Idea of the Catholic School
One needn’t be a Hegelian to think that ideas have consequences. We tend to focus on the negative effects of bad ideas, heresies, metaphysical errors. But true ideas are...
Defend Us From Ideology
Some object that referencing “the common good” is vague—that it is a way of hiding political judgments behind the veneer of philosophy. They suspect that what is “common” merely...
False Notions of the Common Good
As the Second World War ravaged Europe, several Catholic intellectuals had a fascinating debate about the person and the common good. It may seem odd that a theoretical dispute...
St. Augustine’s Journey to Easter
The Paschal Triduum is the center of Christian time. It runs from the evening of Holy Thursday to sundown on Easter Sunday. For millennia Christians have ordered their whole...
Creation, Fall, and Coronavirus
Can we think now about anything other than pandemic graphs, empty shelves, school closures, postponed events, and our global state of emergency? While some remain at various stages of...