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Seven Protestant Theologians Every Catholic Should Read

Bruce Riley Ashford

Late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century Protestant theology was dominated by the “fundamentalist-modernist” controversy, as many established Protestant seminaries and theologians aligned themselves with the liberal revisionism of Schleiermacher and his progeny....

Seven Catholic Theologians Every Protestant Should Read

Bruce Riley Ashford

Early-twentieth-century Catholic theology was dominated by the “modernist” school, marked by higher criticism, questioning of the Church, and assimilation with modern culture. Several popes fought this trend by silencing...

Six Modern Theologians Every Thoughtful Person Should Read

Bruce Riley Ashford

Modern theology is discourse about God in the context of modernity and the cultural ethos brought about by the Enlightenment. After Enlightenment thinkers denigrated special revelation in favor of...

Sacred Order in Social Order

Bruce Riley Ashford

Last Best Hope:America in Crisis and Renewalby george packerfarrar, straus and giroux, 240 pages, $27 Many Americans experience this country’s social, cultural, and political scene as an unremitting dumpster...

Great Books Every Thoughtful Person Should Read

Bruce Riley Ashford

For almost twenty years, I taught a four-seminar rotation of “Great Books” for The College at Southeastern. The readings were formative not only for the students, but also for...

Christian Witness from the Cultural Margins

Bruce Riley Ashford

In the last century, our social order has been radically desacralized. Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer described this as a “world come of age,” in which Westerners attempt to manage life...

A Baptist Reflection on Reformation Day

Bruce Riley Ashford

On October 31, many Americans decorate their homes for Halloween with ghouls, goblins, cobwebs, and pumpkins. Many Protestant Christians, however, celebrate something far more significant: Reformation Day. By historical...

Should the Southern Baptist Convention Change Its Name?

Bruce Riley Ashford

J. D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), recently announced that his church, The Summit Church, will from now on describe itself as a “Great Commission Baptist”...

The Case For Amy Coney Barrett

Bruce Riley Ashford

Last week, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court, died at age 87 of pancreatic cancer. High on President Trump’s list of...

A Protestant Appreciation of Pope John Paul II

Bruce Riley Ashford

During the Christmas season of 1999, while living in Russia, I read George Weigel’s extraordinary biography of John Paul II, Witness to Hope. It was not the first time...

My Ten (Or So) Favorite Cultural Critics

Bruce Riley Ashford

In 1974, British theologian Lesslie Newbigin returned to England after four decades of serving as a missionary to India. Back in Europe, he wrestled with a pressing question: How...

Oh, Henry!

Bruce Riley Ashford

Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the Wisdom and Vision of Carl F. H. Henry? by gregory alan thornbury crossway, 224 pages, $17.99 n Gregory Alan Thornbury wants to make Carl...