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Parents Can’t Fight Porn Alone

Clare Morell Brad Littlejohn

Madi grew up in a religious home, blessed with attentive parents who took the dangers of technology seriously. They installed filters on her devices and required her to hand...

Theology of Immigration

Brad Littlejohn

Speaking to a gymnasium full of high schoolers in 2015, Angela Merkel sought to explain why Germany needed to close its borders to the tide of Syrian refugees. She...

Want Stronger Families? Pay Workers More

Brad Littlejohn

Bear the standard for religious orthodoxy with First Things. Make your contribution to our 2023 spring campaign today at Hell to Pay: How the Suppression of Wages is Destroying...

Taking the Founders at Their Word

Brad Littlejohn

The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics:Political Theology, Natural Law, and the American Foundingby kody w. cooper and justin buckley dyercambridge, 225 pages, $99.99 For much of the...