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Experiments in Matrimony

Amy L. Wax

Just Married: Same-Sex Couples, Monogamy, and the Future of Marriageby stephen macedoprinceton, 320 pages, $29.95 Before the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the law of most states...

Solving the Poor

Amy L. Wax

Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by robert d. putnam simon & schuster, 400 pages, $28 In a recent article in the New York Review of Books on...

On Libertines

Amy L. Wax

How Sex Became a Civil Liberty? by leigh ann wheeler? oxford, 352 pages, $34.95 n The 2013 Oscar ceremony, says Ross Douthat, revealed “the movie business’s essential schizophrenia, which...

Just Kidding

Amy L. Wax

Why Have Children? The Ethical Debate by Christine Overall MIT, 272 pages, $27.95 This book, like my three children, frequently gave me a headache. Just as I was oblivious...