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What Is Next for the Evangelical Church?

Aaron M. Renn

Aaron Renn, author of the widely discussed “Three Worlds of American Evangelicalism” essay, responds to criticisms of his essay and proffers a vision for the evangelical church going forward. In...

How We Got Here

Aaron M. Renn

Aaron Renn, author of the widely discussed “Three Worlds of American Evangelicalism” essay, responds to criticisms of his essay and examines the development of evangelicalism over the past seventy years....

Red Flags in the SBC Response to Sexual Abuse

Aaron M. Renn

Judgment begins with the household of God. Evangelicals have frequently pointed out the sins of the world. But they have not yet addressed their own serious internal failings. The...

Pastoral Burnout and Pauline Strength

Aaron M. Renn

In the mid-2010s, America entered what I call the “negative world.” What this means is that for the first time in the 400-year history of the United States, elite...