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The Rise of the Biomedical Security State

Aaron Kheriaty

Roger Severino and Aaron Kheriaty sit down for a wide ranging interview about COVID-19, medical ethics, and the future of biomedical technology. This interview discusses, in particular, Dr. Kheriaty’s...

Refounding Social Science

Aaron Kheriaty

The Quick Fix:Why Fad Psychology Can’t Cure Our Social Illsby jesse singal farrar, strauss and giroux, 352 pages, $28 During the decade following World War II, the Cold War was...

Card-Carrying Precadavers

Aaron Kheriaty

It has been almost twenty years since I dissected a dead human body. It still seems strange: My first encounter with a human body to learn the art of...

Apostolate of Death

Aaron Kheriaty

On November 1, after posting a Facebook message stating, “Today is the day I have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my terminal illness, this...