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The Magi

A. E. Stallings

Christmas Eve, the Word made Flesh, We put the baby in the manger, But could not add them to the crèche” They still had miles of doubt and danger....

For a Young Dancer on St. Patrick’s Day

A. E. Stallings

At six, her stance is Like a professional’s—she waits her cue Intensely and with no expression, The youngest in the troupe of girls Costumed alike in skirts that flare...

After Sappho

A. E. Stallings

Hesperus, you reunite What dawn divides from one another” The businessman and the suburb, The couple and their chronic argument, The toddler in daycare with his frazzled mother.

For a Joint Fortieth Birthday

A. E. Stallings

for Barnaby If we’re in the same boat, call it an ark: For forty days and nights”about six weeks Of thunder, water roar, and windy shrieks, Of hiss, growl,...

The Magi

A. E. Stallings

Christmas Eve, the Word made Flesh, We put the baby in the manger, But could not add them to the crèche—They still had miles of doubt and danger.  They...

Aegean Story

A. E. Stallings

Briefly, newspapers recite The facts about the fisherman Who for two months, day and night, Went out fishing for his son, His only child, aged 23, Who in a...

Lovejoy Street

A. E. Stallings

The house where we were happy, Perhaps it’s stranding still On the wrong side of the railroad tracks Half-way down the hill. Perhaps new people live there Who think...