Address to the Manger
Sleep, infant, sleep among the oxen and the sheep which kneel before your manger. Welcome to danger.…
Policy Pollyanna Foreign-policy experts tend toward blindness to the moral aspects of what they analyze, and theologians…
Near Starbucks
A homeless woman sleeps outside the door. She smells of urine so the customers Who eat brioche…
Like this Auschwitz barbed-wire rosary” clipped with teeth and finger twisted, black-blood-stained, rain-encrusted, thorny, skin-pricking, motherly-misery- pregnant,…
Ultimate Grammar
Our is , our are , our am ”all melt away To was and were , the…
The Perfect Human
The assembled photographers stand on the concrete ramp outside the United Nations building on September 23 and…
Oil in the Gulf, 2010
Watch as it spreads and curls like a midnight lily aching into the open air, blooming with…
Whit Stillman is Running Late
Whit Stillman wants to meet at the Harvard Club at exactly noon, on the eleventh day of…
Cub Scout
You know how sometimes there’s a moment when everyone In the moment is startled by what happened…
Long Live the King
Bible: The Story of the King James Version, 1611–2011 by gordon campbell oxford, 256 pages, $24.95 Pen…
A Caricature of History
A History of Catholic Moral Theology in the Twentieth Century: From Confessing Sins to Liberating Consciences By…
The Wrong Key
Christ the Key By Kathryn Tanner Cambridge, 309 pages, $29.99 Far too much of what is published…
Fail, Britannia
Two weeks before Pope Benedict’s visit to the United Kingdom this September, former British prime minister Tony…
Apocalypse No
A habit of pessimism, it seems, comes with the conservative territory. It’s been more than half a…
Caesar’s Thumb
At the close of the last century, as the reckoning was drawn up in Europe for the…