On one hand, boomer-age cultured (i.e., liberally-educated) conservatives who dont know contemporary pop culture and are too lazy about learning anything about it; on the other, young liberals who know it but are unashamedly un-cultured (i.e., rejecting the canonical distinctions that genuine liberal education depends upon) in the older sense of the term.
Thats the lamentable pairing the cultured-in-both-ways Mark Judge lays out for us at Acculturated . The unashamed ignore-all-canons ignoramus is Ta-Nehesi Coates of The Atlantic . The pop-culture subject is rap, stemming from Mark Steyns, Mona Charens, and Jay Nordlingers seeming dismissal of it, and from a solid Conor Friedersdorf post criticizing them, and conservatives in general, for being too lazy to do real critical work on rap or other pop culture forms. Go to Judge to see his juxtaposition of these two Atlantic posts, and the respective linksthe Friedersdorf piece, BTW, has an extensive thread with lots of real gems hidden amid the usual.
I also feel obliged to note that in the relevant exchange Nordlinger doesnt exactly get to complete his thoughts.
P.S. Mr. Judge, lament away about conservatives not making art nor real critical efforts to engage with it, by all means.
But would it be too cheeky for us here at Postmodern Conservative to complain to the writers at Acculturated, and to any and all the conservatives lamenting these days about conservatives not engaging with the culture, about the lack of linkage we get? Theres Peters TV and film posts, similar items from our 3 Js, and then theres the 70 or so Carls Rock Songbook essays by yours truly. That is, if conservatives really mean to call for culture in both aspects, then I think we here at pomocon are providing it . . . but speaking personally, I think we need a little more encouragement, engagement, what-have-you. Surely we could be doing more to publicize web-wise, but conservative bloggers and writers, its your job also.
P.P.S. Yes readers, Ive taken a month or so break from the Songbook . . . been getting settled in a new place, but never fear . . . as Jack Teagarden said to Frankie Traumbauer:
Jus gettin ready, Frank, jus gettin ready!