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In today’s On the Square , Gina Dalfonzo uses an up-and-coming theatrical re-imagining of A Tale of Two Cities to talk about the greatness of that particular book. It combines compassion for the oppressed with a deep sense of justice:

Certainly Dickens can be witty, even barbed, at the expense of members of the upper classes. But unlike so many other social critics, he refuses to condemn any particular class as a whole. A committed individualist, he takes each case on its merits. For the young woman who was raped and killed, Dickens has nothing but compassion. But when that woman’s vengeful sister begins to slaughter innocents herself, it’s a different story.

Read more here . Also, I recommend checking out Gina’s blog, where she has posted an interesting job opportunity .

What’s everybody’s favorite Dickens novel? I actually thought I hated Dickens for a while, because I had only read A Tale of Two Cities (sorry, Gina!). But then when I read Bleak House I realized that I was very wrong. So Bleak House would probably be my answer, or David Copperfield . (Alternately, we can all list our unfavorite Dickens novel. Mine would be Our Mutual Friend .)

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