Pro-life is on the rise and has been for the past fifteen years. Since May 2009, the majority of Americans (47 percent to 45 percent) now identify themselves as pro-life . What’s striking, however, is that the percentage of Americans ages 18 to 29 who view abortion as “illegal in all circumstances” is up from 15 percent to 23 percent .
Why? Because of the “demonization of sex,” of course! Aimee R. Thorne-Thomsen, who is the former executive director of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project, argues that the increase among twenty-somethings can be attributed to the fact that they have “grown up under a political system that demonized sexuality. Their consciousness has been under abstinence-only, promotion-of-marriage initiatives, so it’s a very narrowly based idea of appropriate behavior.” So those puritanical policies of Bill Clinton and the massive increase in the production and accessibility of pornography was all part of some master plot to encourage young people not to have sex. Who’da figured?
(HT: Ben Domenech)