A diocese in the Church of England, has found a creative way to get men to come to church. This past Sunday the church offered a range of incentives for men attending Father’s Day service, including bacon rolls, chocolate bars, and free beer .
[The Rt Rev John Inge, the Bishop of Worcester] argued that the free beer was intended to be symbolic of “the generosity of God”.Men at St Stephen’s church in Barbourne, Worcester, will be handed bottles of beer by children during the service. A prayer will be said for the fathers before the gifts are distributed.
The Ven Roger Morris, archdeacon of Worcester, who will be leading the service at St Stephen’s today, said that it was a practical way of sending a message to fathers.
“I don’t see any other time that we can stop and remember fathers, and this is a gesture saying ‘Here’s something that will bless you,’” he said.
Forget “This Bud’s for You” or “It’s Miller Time”—“Here’s something that will bless you” is the best beer marketing line ever .
Adds Bishop Inge (who is clearly going for the title of Coolest Bishop in England): “Jesus created a lot more wine at a point in the party when some thought that there had already been enough drinking. He was all in favour of partying” and “We give wine away every Sunday, so giving away beer could be said to going downmarket a bit, but it’s an attempt to speak of God’s generosity.”
What do you think? Would giving out free brew get more men to come to your churches’ service? Would it get you to go to church more often? (My fellow Southern Baptists need not answer this one.)